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Demonic Traffic in Marriage

The enemy hates the marriage covenant and he is always looking for a way to enter to destroy the union that God so blessed. In Genesis 2:23-25 it reads, the man said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman because she was taken out of a man." For his reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and they were unashamed. The sanctity of marriage has been under attack and we must see a shift of Godly kingdom examples of the marriage that God desires for His church. The generation coming up must see the model God intended to see the family restored.

Notice in the first union there was no shame in nakedness. There was a transparency without any fear, a perfect love. Many marriages have been shattered, broken and fractured by the sin damage that has occurred and have not been restored. Demons have been trafficking the marriage and causing continual suffering until the couple becomes so wore out that they give in and break the union. The lies the demons speaks are often half-truths of despair and disappointment filtered through a rejected, hurt soul. Hebrews 13:4 says marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. The Lord Jesus is more than able to restore marriages from the pain of fornication and adultery. There is a healing and forgiveness in Christ that is available to broken marriages. Many have opened the door to sexual immorality with pornography and other bondages that have brought defilement into the covenant.

There are often old soul ties that are still in place which will also cause the entrance to demons. Sexual relationship creates soul ties to the one you gave your soul too. The spiritual union outside of marriage covenant creates bondage. It is a spiritual linking to the one you gave yourself too, it is connected in the mind, will and emotions to bring life or death to the soul.

Many today have fallen prey to the enemy as pure sexual boundaries are not kept. The word is clear on sexual purity. Spirit images of pornography plague the minds and defile hearts even in marriage. Jesus warned in Matthew 5:28 that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in the heart. Porn will bring in shame, insecurities and perversion that opens the door for seducing adultery spirits. If a spouse is involved in pornography and the other is not, the same unclean seduction that is working through porn will have a place to traffic the other. There is a spiritual union that is a doorway to the other, because you are one flesh. When one's conscious is condemned, that is a good indicator that the enemy is at work. These sexual demons will hinder true intimacy, not only in the marriage but also one's personal intimacy in relationship to Jesus.

Fornication and adultery are seducing spirits which can also be a bloodline generational curse. It is Idolatry. Proverbs 6:32 says whoever commits adultery lacks understanding and he destroys his own soul. Notice the lack of understanding. This is a spirit, I find that people usually do not plan to fall into this temptation or even desire to hurt their spouse. It is a seducing deception, a working of witchcraft mind control that will seduce one to bring destruction to the marriage.

If a spouse has unhealed soul wounds and is looking for their mate to heal them and they are not receiving the healing and wholeness they desire the enemy will deceive them into thinking someone else has what they need. The enemy will send someone their way to make them stumble. He is not all knowing, but he does watch for ways in which to tempt us to fall. In reality, Jesus is the healer of our soul. He is the one who binds up the broken hearted. Many put too much pressure on the spouse to be what only God can be. They are a gift from the Lord to enjoy a oneness and covenant relationship of blessing. We must demonstrate this blessing to the next generation!

In a marriage relationship one must allow the Potter to break the mold and put you back on His wheel to reshape you. Seasons in marriage change and so do people. The only thing that is unchangeable is the Lord. As the years pass we must decrease so He can increase in our marriages. If we don't become self-less we will not be able to maintain healthy marriages. It must be based on an internal love and commitment as it is with our relationship with the Lord. That comes only through the reshaping on the Potter’s wheel of His purpose for our marriage as our lives continue.

Do a spiritual house cleaning on your marriage. Keep out the influence of the world and guard what is precious to you and the Lord. Repent and forgive for the traffic that has been allowed. Allow the Lord to release His love and grace into the relationship.

Romans 12, it says to be affectionately kind to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfast in prayer; distributing to the needs of others... be of the same mind toward one another, humble and live at peace together, not repaying evil for evil. This needs to be applied to all relationships including marriage. It's never too late to begin again, may the grace of God fill every marriage and renew them again to the original plan and purpose for each union!

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